Our task is to defend the rights of beer clubs and beer consumers as well as treasure the beer culture.
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Olutliitto in English
Our task is to defend the rights of beer clubs and beer consumers as well as treasure the beer culture.
Olutliitto ry, Ölförbundet rf in Swedish, Vuolalihttu in Sami, is a Finnish interest representative of beer consumers and an umbrella organization of Finnish beer clubs. Olutliitto’s task is to defend the rights of beer clubs and beer consumers as well as treasure the beer culture by enabling a versatile beer supply.
Olutliitto functions as a representative of beer consumers with officials, trade, sales and distribution. Olutliitto is a member of the European Beer Consumers’ Union (EBCU) and participates in international affairs through the union.
Olutliitto preserves and maintains the diversity of beer culture by appreciating especially traditional, national and local breweries as well as traditional beers and their craftsmanship.
Olutliitto endorses and supports all breweries that brew high-quality beers, especially those that brew beers with traditional methods in concordance with nationally and regionally established beer styles. Olutliitto supports all measures taken to further the versatility of beer brewing.
Olutliitto promotes fair and just treatment of beer. Olutliitto also supports every measure taken to enrich the offer, sales and serving of beer in Finland.
Olutliitto represents beer clubs, beer enthusiasts and other beer consumers in order to preserve the freedom of choice, quality and value of beers and beer brewing.
An independent and registered beer club or association can become a member of Olutliitto ry. The existing member associations as well as instructions in Finnish on how to join can be found on the page titled Jäsenseurat. A business organization or registered association can become a supporting member of Olutliitto as well.
Olutliitto is responsible for organizing the biggest commercial beer competition in Finland, Suomalainen Olut ry’s The Best Finnish Beer competition as well as the nationally biggest home beer competition, The national homebrewing competition. The award is presented on Tuomas’ day on the 21 of December.
Every year Olutliitto presents the Hyvä Tuomas ”Good Thomas” prize that is awarded for exemplary work in maintaining the beer culture. Each year’s new Good Thomas is selected by the previous winners. Olutliitto can also award the Paha Nuutti ”Bad Knut” prize to a person, group or a factor that has hindered beer culture in Finland with their actions. Bad Knut is published on Nuutti’s day on January 13. The award has not been presented every year.
Olutliitto organizes live and remote meetings to beer clubs and friends of beer, educates people in these clubs as well as professionals in the craft and consumers alike on the quality of beer and participates, when possible, in important events for beer enthusiasts.
On their social media and internet pages, Olutliitto spreads information on beer and encourages discussion in Olutliitto’s Facebook group.